Feral Sandpit

There is a weird arse feral mood sweeping twitter today and all seems to stem from an event at the Hilton about twitter. Sure, there was media hype, and lots of claims that it was the first of it’s kind when it clearly wasn’t, but JESUS CHRIST, can the back biting and bitchiness get any nastier?

I was asked at the last minute to go along (Mark Communications – the organiser – is part of the same group as the company I work for) and was a bit surprised that I was on the panel table when I arrived – but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do – morning sickness or no morning sickness!

So, here is what I got out of the morning…

The majority of the crowd there had been on twitter for less than three months (some not using it at all just yet). There was lots of interest generally in how twitter is impacting the media and the gathering of news information. Interesting that a very new user to twitter (please someone help me – it was one of the trainers from Biggest Loser) was first concerned about security and how it all works (but thinks it’s a great way to connect with people who watch the show or read her books). This event WAS NOT for people who are part of the “twiteratti” or any of the people who lay claim to social media – yes, the whole lot of it – in Australia (ie: those who know all there is to know about SM  and certainly don’t like the idea of anyone else telling them about their experiences either). I also got to meet a few very nice people (some who I knew on line and got to meet face to face). Everyone is a winner! 

The panel (which I was on) was 100% ego-free and did not push any agenda.  We just answered questions for Tim Burrows of mumbrella, and any that came our way from the floor.  The audience I felt wasn’t all “agency” types as some of the doyennes of the SM scene said it would be (and to be honest – who gives a flying fuck if it was – twitter ain’t limited to a narrow group of people).

So now we get this from Andrew Ramadge on (SBS aplogies – actually ot this site) news.com, and lots of nice and “real funny” jokes on twitter. Check out twitter search on the event (#beachmeet) and you’ll see a bunch of aggravated, bitchy “leaders” of the social media scene in Australia being generally catty about the morning.   

Guys – the sandpit is big enough to all play in.  You are coming across like stupid spoilt little kids.


Filed under marketing, Social Media

6 responses to “Feral Sandpit

  1. Brilliant piece. Love it.

  2. Trent Collins

    Great post Kelly. We need to realise that we are doing more harm to ourselves acting in this manner.

  3. completely agree. I left similar sentiment about the size of the sand pit on a comemnt I left on the Online Marketing Banter blog.

  4. A great post, really good commentary; why is it so hard for some people to be gracious? I’ll now be following you on twitter!

  5. A great post, really good commentary. Good grace, the dying art – should we start a Facebook group? I’ll now be following you on twitter. Thanks.

  6. Hear, hear! As someone who went to beachmeet to support the cause, I too was appalled at the outbreak of venom which ensued on Twitter. All I can put it down to is the insecurity of those who “preach and teach” rather than work in agency environments. There are stoushers who aggressively pick fights with anyone who works in an agency and is on Twitter & talking about social media. There really is enough room for everyone in the sandpit, whether they can learn to play nice or not, we’ll have to wait and see.

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